
Episode 49 – 50 Cups of Coffee and Other Things You Should Do

Mar 2, 2017

This Episode

Mark Stephenson & Marc Vila

You Will Learn

  • Learn how 50 cups of coffee can affect your business success.
  • How to design your perfect routine.

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Episode 49 – 50 Cups of Coffee and Other Things You Should Do

Show Notes

Learn how 50 cups of coffee and a few other changes to your routine can affect your business success.


Welcome to the Custom Apparel Startups podcast, your best source for information, news, tips and tricks to get you off the ground running, and earn success with your custom apparel decorating business. So, get ready to soak up some knowledge!

Now, here are your hosts, Mark and Marc!

Mark S: Hey, everyone! Welcome to yet another episode of the Custom Apparel Startups podcast. My name is Mark Stephenson, from ColDesi.

Marc V: And this is Marc Vila, from Colman and Company. Today we’re here to talk about 50 Cups of Coffee, and Other Things You Should Do.

Mark S: I do want to specify that I’m not going to ever disclose the number of what episode this is, in the CAS podcast. Frankly, I’m feeling a little ageism. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. We’re getting up into middle age, and I think some of you out there might be looking at me differently, looking at the podcast differently, because we’re older.

Marc V: I think you’re also in denial about how long you’ve been around.

Mark S: It could be. I mean, it’s almost 50 episodes.

Marc V: That’s a whole bunch of stuff. I believe you should have gotten me a gift of silver, or something like that.

Mark S: Something like that.

Marc V: I have no clue what you’re talking about – 50 cups of coffee.

Mark S: I am so glad you asked. It’s almost like we worked this out in advance. 50 cups of coffee – I will tell you the story first.

That is Scott Colman, who is the owner and President of ColDesi, he is a member of the CEO Council, which is kind of this local Tampa Bay area group of business owners that get together. They have workshops and they have speakers come in, all about improving their business.

He kind of bootleg copied or recorded a sales speaker that they had. He did 45 minutes on sales in the new millennium. I thought he was fantastic, and so did Scott. So, he had all of these salespeople and managers in ColDesi and Colman and Company listen to that recording, and then be ready a couple of Monday mornings ago, to come in and talk about it.

Marc V: It was just an incredible energy that came out of that, where everyone got to sit down, they listened to a good positive speaker; a gentleman talking about just how to be a better you, in a way. That being a better you makes you a better salesperson and a better business owner.

Mark S: He went through like 47 things, literally 47 things that you could do to improve your life and improve your sales. It was just a great way to start the week. It was great!

Marc V: And everyone really enjoyed it. Everyone who was involved with this, surprisingly, just came out and said “This was great! I feel good! I want to do more of this.” That literally turned into more of it, and it’s turning into a regular thing for us.

Mark S: Yeah. Every Monday morning, we’re going to do that. This past Monday, our assignment was to watch a TED video. If you’re not familiar with TED -.

Marc V: I’ve seen that movie. It’s not appropriate for work!

Mark S: No, no! TED.com, that’s what it is. No stuffed animals involved. This talk was, I thought it was going to be on time management. It actually turned out to be kind of a discussion on how much time you actually have.

So, that’s what we did this past Monday. Everybody looked at it, and just the surprise that people brought with them on Monday, after learning these things, and this woman studying the busiest people that she could find, and how much time they actually have. And some tips and tricks involved in making you aware of that.

Again, it started our week great, and people are changing their behavior because of it. We thought it would be an excellent idea to share that with you.

Marc V: It’s not just about sharing what we learned these past couple weeks. It’s about sharing the enthusiasm to want to go out and listen and watch and read these things that will make you feel good, will improve who you are. It becomes contagious within yourself and within other people around you.

In my life, everyone I know that kind of gets into some sort of self-improvement, whether it’s reading, listening, watching things like this; for one, gets hooked on it. Then, you just become your own little mini-guru of things. You know where to go. You know where to look. You know what you like, and you know what to share with others.

I think that this podcast is about helping to get you on that path, to say “Here are some things you can do.”

Mark S: Yeah. Just like the last podcast was Learn and Earn; you know, we talked about places where you can go and study more on your software, so you’re better at it. You can learn your machine backwards and forward, whatever your equipment is. You can become an expert on the apparel that you decorate.

You can do all of those things, and that will have a lot of impact on your business. But adjusting the way you think about things and your business, will have a bigger impact, I think.

Marc V: So, 50 cups of coffee. Tell us about that.

Mark S: The 50 cups of coffee idea was that you make a list of 50 people in the world, living, that you would actually like to sit down across the table and have a cup of coffee with. Like you’d love to pick their brain. You’d love to meet them, and find out more about them.

It can be businesspeople, it can be entertainers, it can be politicians. It could be here in the U.S. or somewhere else in the world.

I found out earlier that the Dalai Lama is on both Marc Vila’s and my list.

Marc V: Yeah. I’m a huge fan.

Mark S: I’m sure it’s going to have to be green tea, instead of coffee. I think he’s a non-caffeinated kind of a guy. But I like him anyway!

Marc V: My joke that I said before, and I’ll say it again, is that we’re assuming that these are caffeine-tolerant people, that can handle the caffeine.

Mark S: That’s true.

Marc V: If you’re going to have 50 cups of coffee with them. However, I’ve considered switching mine maybe to list 50 cups of coffee, and then people to have 50 beers with. I mean one person to have 50 beers with.

Mark S: Wow! So, it’s going to end up, you realize, being like 50 people to meet in the men’s room, after you have 50 cups of coffee. That’s a great idea.

It should be like, here’s a couple of the people that are on my list. Some of them are more likely than not. One of them is Mayor Bob Buck Buckhorn of Tampa.

Marc V: Okay.

Mark S: I think he’s done a great job. He’s done a great job, and a great connection to have, and person to know. Is there somebody in your town that, if you knew the Mayor, if you’d met the Mayor, had a cup of coffee with the Mayor or the Governor or your Representative or whatever, do you think they’re going to be a great connection for you and your business?

Not just personally, and “Oh, I had a cup of coffee with the Mayor the other day. He knows somebody that’s looking for t-shirts.” That’s going to happen.

Marc V: And you can, first of all, the list should always change and grow. You can feel free to erase people and scratch people off. After you’ve accomplished one, you can kind of checkmark that off, and you can maybe have your original list with some checkmarks. Then, you can replace that person, too.

I think it’s about who do you want to surround yourself with? Who do you want to be? Who are actual people that can help you actually change your life? And what are other just like dreams of people that you think that if you had an opportunity to sit with this person for an hour, it would be fantastic?

Mark S: I like that. That’s kind of an attitude behind 50 cups of coffee.

Marc V: One of mine is Mark Stephenson.

Mark S: There we go! Mine is a Styrofoam cup today, though. You know what I’d like to do next? Because I listened to the time management thing, and we’ve listened to the sales presentation thing for a couple of weeks, maybe if we give some examples of the things that we got out of those, then we can tell these folks some sources where they can go and do their own research, and things to look for. Okay?

Mark S: Yeah. I’ve got my notes right here.

Marc V: Awesome. One of the first ones that I got out of the first presentation was waking up early. I was really surprised at this. Everybody has very busy lives, and we talked about that extensively. But I actually started waking up an hour or more earlier.

The guy that gave the presentation, by the way, wakes up at 4:00.

Marc V: Yeah. I’ve stopped going to bed. I’ve been up now since some days ago.

Mark S: You win! But I just set my alarm clock for an hour earlier. I’m not significantly tired during the day. I get up early, and I have a chance to take a walk. So, I’ve got all that extra time that I used to try to pack in my morning; I wake up, and a half an hour later, I’m out the door, leaving for work.

So, rather than spend that extra hour just sleeping, I feel better about the day. I’m much less rushed. I get more coffee earlier, so I really enjoy that, too. I feel better. So, that’s one of the takeaways I got out of the first one.

Marc V: I think that’s awesome. One of the things I took away is he said “Don’t say ‘we’ve always done it that way or I’ve always done it that way. Big mistake.’” I can’t tell you how often I hear that. When I say “hear,” I don’t necessarily mean within this building, but from our customers.

Somebody will say “I’m having some trouble with my rhinestones.” We’ll say “Okay, tell us what you’re doing.” And we’ll say “That’s not proper.”

Mark S: That’s not the right way.

Marc V: Yeah. That might have been true for some glue-ons and rhinestones five years ago, but the newer stuff is a lower temperature, a shorter time. “I’ve always done it that way. That’s our process. I don’t feel I should have to change that. Something’s wrong.”

Well, it doesn’t matter how you’ve always done it. We’re giving you an opportunity to save money by using your heat press at a lower temperature, and time, by pressing for shorter. Change! Change yourself, if you can, and it’s worthy, and it’s worth it. Change some things with your business, with your home life, like when you wake up in the morning, whatever it is.

Don’t be afraid to change. Don’t resist the change, just for the sake of resisting it always.

Mark S: Take a look at what you do every day, and say “Why am I doing this, this way? Why do I go to work this way? Why do I do any of this stuff, this way?” Be ready to change. I like that a lot.

On the second one, the time management one, I think one of my favorite stories in that was this woman who had given a TED talk on time management. She actually did a time study on some of the busiest women in America. These are like high-powered entrepreneurs that run companies, and they’ve got kids, and they do all this stuff.

They’re supposed to keep track of their day, a time diary, and then they analyze it, and they talk about how they spent their time over the previous week.

This one lady said she didn’t have time for anything. She was completely busy. Then, on a random Tuesday, her water heater broke. This was in her time diary. It took seven hours to get that, because her basement flooded, and she had to do all of this stuff. Which I thought was really interesting, because the question that the lady asked was “At the beginning of the week, if I would have said ‘Do you have seven hours to handle a water heater disaster at your house?’, what would you have said?” And the answer is “No. I’m too busy.” Right?

So, the priority asserted itself, and she found the time.

Marc V: That’s what happens always, isn’t it? You don’t have any time to do anything. That’s what we say, at least. But you actually have a lot of time to do plenty of things, when you prioritize.

Just so folks know, if you want to hear this one, it’s about 12 minutes long. Laura Vanderkam, How to Gain Control of Your Free Time, just so you know.

Mark S: That’s it. That’s Ted.com.

Marc V: Yeah, on Ted.com. You can search for that. If you’re on the podcast app right now, after this episode, just search for the podcast. It’s on there. That’s how I listened to it.

One of the things that I took away, and I think actually this is one thing everybody noticed, because it was a powerful statement that she made. Spoiler alert! Turn it down right now, for 30 seconds. For those who are still listening, 72 hours is how much time you’ve got to do other things.

When you take away working 40-plus hours a week, sleeping eight hours a day, etc., you’ve got 72 hours a week to do other things besides work and sleep. That is a lot of time.

Mark S: It’s a lot.

Marc V: That’s a lot of time. That’s a few days’ worth of time, when you add it up.

Mark S: It’s three days, 24-hour days.

Marc V: I’m going to get my calculator.

Mark S: Okay.

Marc V: But that’s just something interesting, when you put it in that perspective. Then, what time do or don’t you have? These are all things, in my opinion, to just get into your head, and just start thinking about all of this stuff.

Mark S: Yeah. Don’t robotically just go through your business and your life, not considering it, and what you’re doing. Like I have to give this – two other ones from the time thing.

What this lady taught me is that the phrase “I don’t have time” really means “It’s not a priority.” So, if you don’t have time for something, that just means you’re not willing to prioritize it. If you don’t have time to keep track of your customers, if you don’t have time to answer your emails or do your invoices, or if you don’t have time to take your dog for a walk and play with it, then what you’re really saying is “These are not my priorities. I’m prioritizing doing other things.”

Marc V: Yeah. If you say you didn’t have time to call or text one of your friends, but you have a really high Candy Crush score -.

Mark S: That’s a good one.

Marc V: You just chose that “I just want to do this mindless activity.”

Mark S: Or if you’re all caught up on something on Netflix. That’s a sign that you -.

Marc V: “Oh my gosh! I’ve been so busy!” “What have you been doing lately?” “Not much.” “Watch anything good lately?” “I just finished all the Game of Thrones.” You had like 70,000 hours!

Mark S: That’s worthwhile, though. I did prioritize that, in fact. I resent you bringing that up!

You know what? It’s funny. One of the salespeople came to us. Like what the lady in the session said, she’s got a side hustle. So, she does full time at ColDesi, and then she has a side business, as well. She came to me and said “You know, I figured it out. I’ve actually only got seven hours.” I’m like “Really? How about last week? Wake up an hour early, and now you have 14 hours, just doing that every day.”

Marc V: Yeah. I think it’s all about you listen to these things, and you’ve got to find what’s right for you in them. I think that we can also point some direction of where people can go, and find what’s right in it, for you.

For me, I don’t know if the morning thing is right for me. But at 9:00 at night, my mind is very energized. I’ll sit outside in my back yard, and I’ll take out my telescope, and I’ll hang out there for an hour, and experience some quiet time. Or I’ll pick up a book and read it. It’s a very peaceful time for me.

Or I will go through, and I’ll finish a few kind of mundane tasks I need alone, in silence, to do. I feel very comfortable at this stage of my life, doing that. Compared to if I were to take that time in the morning, my mind does not work that way.

One of my best friends wakes up and is like, ideas are just falling into his head at 5:00 in the morning.

Mark S: That’s me.

Marc V: That’s not my – when I wake up early in the morning, I can be very relaxed. I can enjoy my morning. I love to have that time. But there’s not any profound thinking going on, for me.

Mark S: The differences are interesting, because if you’ll notice, most of my time spent on the Custom Apparel Startups Facebook group is between 6:15 and 6:45 in the morning.

Marc V: Yeah. And people will see my responses at like 11:00 on Sunday night. It’s just find what’s right for you, in all of these things. So, let’s give some direction.

By this point in time, you should be motivated to say “I’m listening to this awesome podcast right now, which is –.” Say this out loud! “I’m listening to this awesome podcast right now, which is the best decision I’ve made today!”

But in all seriousness, you should say “I’m going to try to do something. I’m going to try to listen, watch, read or practice something that’s going to make me better.” I think that’s the motivation to go forth, from this. Let’s give some people some direction. I guarantee you will feel good, if you do some of these things.

Mark S: Yeah, some sources. I hope we’ve convinced you to try this. I really do.

So, I’ve got one of my self-improvement gurus that has had a big impact on some of the decisions that I’ve made, that I’ve gone through; Anthony Robbins, Tony Robbins. He’s even got a 28-day CD course.

Marc V: Oh, yeah. I think you mentioned it last time.

Mark S: I’ve done that, I think four times now. Every time, I get something out of it. So, that’s something you can do. You don’t have to buy that, but if you Google “Anthony Robbins” or “Tony Robbins,” you will find dozens and dozens – because he’s got a 30-year career in this – of excellent motivational, inspirational, practical, free videos and audio sessions that you can listen to, that will have an impact on your day.

Marc V: And these things, when you’re searching for things like this, I recommend if you’re on a desktop or your phone, depending, either start with YouTube or start with your podcast app. They’re great places to search for these names, because you can find the content that’s kind of ready to be served.

And then, maybe go to Google searching later, if you’ve exhausted some of that. Because Google can send you down some paths to buy things, and you don’t want to get lost in an internet trail.

Mark S: I like that. So, all of these searches should be inside YouTube or inside a podcast app. I like that.

Marc V: Yeah. Just start there. That’s exactly what I did with the TED thing. You sent it over to me. The first thing I went to was my podcast app, because I like to listen while I’m driving. Boom! It was right there. I had no interruption, no website background popups. Nothing to distract me, besides I’m listening.

Mark S: You can’t alt/tab and go play a game while you listen.

Marc V: Exactly. So, it’s a great place to go. One of the things that I’ll recommend is what we started with, is TED.

Mark S: Yes. Ted.com.

Marc V: Ted.com. There are talks on everything.

Mark S: It’s amazing!

Marc V: You can find stuff on astrophysics, stuff on motivational, like what we’re talking about here.

Mark S: I watched one on modern urban planning the other day.

Marc V: Oh, really?

Mark S: Yeah.

Marc V: I watched one on paper towels, how to dry your hands. That one is awesome! It’s really short. It’s this gentleman just talking about how you only need like half a paper towel. Then, you actually do what he says, and you’re like “Wow! I really do only need-.”

Mark S: Interesting.

Marc V: Yeah, it’s awesome. That’s one I recommend. But that’s a great place to go, to find a bunch of things for self-improvement, motivation. You can find that stuff on Netflix, if you’ve got it. And I think there’s even a TED app. You can find sections that are specifically for self-improvement, business.

Mark S: Business, economics.

Marc V: I think the key on TED, when we’re talking about our topic right now, is we’re referring to find ones that have to do with improving who you are and what you do.

Mark S: Yes. I agree.

Marc V: You can also use TED for the Learn and Earn, last week. You jump into the business stuff and talk about how to gain more sales, and things like that.

Mark S: Just to kind of position it, if you’ve never seen it before, these are experts in a wide variety of fields, who are asked to or volunteer their time to go in and give usually a ten to 30-minute presentation on an interesting topic. And you get to watch. So, it’s unlimited learning potential, and there’s a huge amount of stuff on there.

Marc V: It’s a great resource. Another thing that I want to mention is a book, which is a little more on the self-improvement side. It’s one of my favorites, and I try to recommend it to everybody who will listen, when they want a book to be recommended. Is The Four Agreements familiar?

Mark S: Yes.

Marc V: That’s just a straight self-improvement type of a book. It’s not self-help. It’s just about – these are four things you can make agreements with yourself. You know, don’t say bad things about other people, and things like that. Reading things like that, for me, I was lucky to be handed a book similar to that, when I was like 20, and I read it.

So, I’ve been reading this stuff now for 15 years. Just randomly, I pick up these books. And every time I’m done with one, I’m like “This is cool!” I don’t really wake up in bad moods, often. My friends will talk about it, and joke that I’ve always got a joke to say, and things like that. That’s what a lot of these things are about, are putting yourself in that mood, to move forward.

Mark S: I like that. I’ll also bring up some oldies, but still greaties. How to Win Friends and Influence People. That’s like the original self-help book.

Marc V: Yeah. We mentioned that last week. It’s definitely good for business, but it’s perfect for self-help. Another thing to do, which for me is a practicing thing to do, is meditation. Meditation doesn’t mean you’re doing anything really weird or odd. Some people will do that in prayer, for their religion, however they practice.

Other people, it just means literally just sitting in quiet time. That’s it. Just quiet. Just sitting in a chair, legs are bent. Not trying to fall asleep, not trying to think of anything. Just relaxing. You could do it in eight minutes, or you could do it in an hour.

Mark S: That’s a skill, by the way.

Marc V: It is.

Mark S: That’s a skill. Not something you can do on day one.

Marc V: No. But it’s amazing that if you actually can sit there for five minutes, and just focus on just breathing, not thinking about anything, that you feel really good. Especially if you’re stressed out.

Mark S: I do similar kinds of walking meditations, when I take my walks in the morning. It’s good stuff.

Marc V: And you can find, on podcasts and on YouTube, you can find little mini-meditation sessions to listen to. It will just be somebody will say “Now, take a deep breath.”

Mark S: Sometimes it’s really creepy!

Marc V: “Just feel the air on your upper lip.”

Mark S: You’ve got to find the right one for you.

Marc V: But that’s something that you can do. These are all things that I guarantee that when you listen to or read any of these people who are successful businesspeople, or you read any of these books – Stephen Covey, the guy that we were listening to a couple of weeks ago – they all will talk about some sort of mental relaxation preparedness meditation of sorts.

Mark S: Absolutely.

Marc V: For some, it’s prayer, and for some, it’s walking and just meditating. For others, it’s literally laying on the ground and just breathing. You find what’s good for you, mentally clear.

Mark S: It’s true. If you’re brand new to this whole idea of self-improvement, and doing your own research for your business and for your personal life, let’s just rattle off some names that they can write down, as well, that they might want to look at. Like again, in the old school, there’s Norman Vincent Peale, Think and Grow Rich, and some other stuff.

There’s Napoleon Hill. There’s also Stephen Covey. There’s also all the Chicken Soup books. They were popular about ten years ago.

Marc V: Find one that’s good for you. Find the stuff that’s right for you. I think that’s what it’s all about. Like we mentioned the Dalai Lama. He’s got books and other people have written books where they interview him, and write a book. I find that stuff fascinating, very, very good and very motivating to be a happy and good person.

Maybe you read that, and it doesn’t quite get you there. There’s a great book that I read called What Happy People Know. It’s a cool book. The author runs this like happiness retreat getaway type of place, where you go and he teaches you how to be happier.

Mark S: Is pot legal there? I’m just asking.

Marc V: It might be in Colorado. The book is probably a decade or so, or longer, old. But it’s a really cool book. It’s one of those that I’ve read, and I’m just like “Man! This is a cool perspective on things.”

Mark S: I’ll take it back to the first guy – or the second person – they’re mixing up now – that we listened to, that kind of divided their days up. You know, you look at your calendar for the day and you’re looking at it for the week, and you make a three category list of things that you want to work on, things that you’re going to do.

And every day, every week, every month, every year, you’re going to have a section that’s set aside for your career, for your relationships, and for yourself. If you can devote a certain amount of time to each one of those things, if you’re looking at a two-hour block and you don’t know what to do with it, or you decide to wake up early.

Maybe it’s 20 minutes for meditation, 20 minutes doing a learn and earn thing for your career, and 20 minutes for yourself; it’s a walk or doing whatever you enjoy doing, just yourself. Maybe that’s a good way to look at it, too.

Marc V: And out of your 70 hours that you’ve got available, or Lana with her seven, she still has room for three, three hours.

Mark S: That’s true. Yes!

Marc V: One could be “What am I going to do just for myself this week? Just for me, whatever it is.” Get a massage, meditate, go do your favorite thing, paint, whatever you like to do.

“What am I going to do for relationships? I’m going to spend one hour, dedicated to just playing with the kids. One hour, I’m going to take my friend to lunch, who’s been asking to hang out, for weeks. Then, one hour, I’m going to spend reading this book, to help my career and my business.”

So, pick three hours, and pick one for each. That’s another way to do it.

Mark S: I like that.

Marc V: Then, you’re starting simple. You’re not asking for a ton. One of those hours, you get to do whatever you want for yourself, so that’s awesome. Another is for relationships. That means you get to hang out with a friend or family member, which is awesome.

Mark S: It can be.

Marc V: Yeah. It can be. Pick the right person, which is actually where I was going next. This is just an accidental segue. Because we’re talking about positive energy and good thoughts, and positive thoughts, and things like that.

If you have a person that is consistently negative and down, that you are with, that you can’t talk to without them attempting to bring everybody around them down, maybe reduce the amount of time that you talk to that person. That’s a hard one.

Mark S: Yeah. That’s true.

Marc V: That’s a really hard one.

Mark S: If you hang up the phone angry, every time you talk to them, just hard pass.

Marc V: If you have a group of six friends, six ladies that hang out, generally speaking, there’s going to be one that’s the Debbie Downer, that’s trouble. You can not go to lunch with her. You don’t have to. You really don’t have to.

So, it’s also about fill yourself with positive people. If you have one person who is always really nice and uplifting, and one person who is negative, and you have the choice of who you’re going to do something with, pick the positive person, because you are probably going to feel better.

Mark S: Honestly, if you’re in a financial position to afford to do that, that goes for customers, too. Pick the customers, do business with the customers that are happy to do business with you, not ones that complain about everything.

Marc V: Yeah. And sometimes, if you have that customer that just stresses you out every time, really do the math on if it’s worth having them. And this goes all the way back to the podcast where we talked about knowing your numbers. Know your numbers on that customer. “This customer refers me business every month, plus they give me $1,000 a month. This customer is going to make me $30,000 this year. Okay, I’ll deal with his attitude.”

Mark S: Right. “It turns out this guy is making me $11 a month. They’re done.”

Marc V: Yeah. They’re done. “This lady or this guy is rude to me all the time, and last year I made $400 from them, profit. And I probably spent ten hours stressed. It’s over.”

Mark S: Do something about it.

Marc V: Yeah. Do something about that. So, is there anything else? Any other final things to wrap up, or directions to hit?

Mark S: I think that if you guys will just take that kind of attitude of this continuous self-improvement, find somebody that speaks to you and your life and your business. If it’s somebody on TED, if it’s Anthony Robbins, if it’s Stephen Covey, just get a collection of people that have great information that they can share with you, that improves your life and improves your business. And listen to them regularly.

I think that will change your business.

Marc V: And I think we can leave with a little bit of homework for you, for everyone. It’s to pick three things that you listened to with us today, that you heard. And go out and find them, whether it’s a TED talk or a book or a video or meditation, or hanging out, having coffee with a person that you’ve wanted to. Whatever it is, pick a few things and actually do them in, say, the next week.

Mark S: Yes. And why don’t you post them on the Custom Apparel Startups Facebook group? If you’ve found a great source of inspiration and information, put that on the Facebook group and describe it, and we’ll do the same.

Marc V: Don’t be shy about doing that, because I’ll tell you this. You’re going to do it, and I guarantee that if you find something cool and interesting, that really motivated you or made you feel good, or you feel is going to change who you are and make you better, two things are going to happen. You’re going to share it, and you’re going to actually give that to somebody else, which is an awesome gift.

And then, you’re going to feel good just for having posted that. I guarantee you, you will hit Post, and you will have a feeling of temporary euphoria, for having shared that awesome piece of information with thousands of other people.

Mark S: Because you made the decision, “I was going to complain about the tacos I had last night at this local restaurant. But you know what? I think I’m going to share this awesome piece of information with the people in my community.”

Marc V: It’s going to do really good for you. These are just little things that you can do. And although this isn’t anything to do with business, it’s all about it.

Mark S: Agreed. Alright, I think that’s it. I think we did some good today.

Marc V: I think so, too. I’m going to do something magical after this.

Mark S: That’s great! I’m going to go watch. Alright, everybody, thanks for listening! This has been Mark Stephenson, from ColDesi.

Marc V: And this is Marc Vila, from Colman and Company.

Mark S: You guys have a good business!

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