
Episode 147 – Contact Pages That Work

Dec 3, 2020

This Episode

Mark Stephenson & Marc Vila

You Will Learn

  • Why you should use a contact page and a thank you page

Resources & Links

Episode 147 – Contact Pages That Work

Show Notes

We’re going to divide this podcast up into 2 sections today.

First, we’ll talk about Contact Pages themselves, which ARE important.

Then we’ll talk about Thank You Pages – often overlooked but even MORE important, we think, than ty pages.

So – what’s a contact page and why do people use them? Or more importantly – why do YOUR customers use them?

If you have an ecommerce site they probably use them:

  1. when they have a question about a product while shopping
  2. they are looking for something you don’t provide or they can’t find
  3. They’re looking for a deal or additional discount
  4. They also might want to discuss (complain) about a current order

If you aren’t selling online, the contact form is even MORE important because:

  1. they may be shopping while you’re closed and have questions
  2. They could want to schedule a call about a BIG deal

Or – they’re trying to sell YOU something – which is why having Captcha is important.

You can use your contact form to do more than just capture information so you can call someone back. You can also:

  1. Build your email list
  2. Use it to help route response like:
  3. Choose the reason for your contact
  4. Question about a current order
  5. Finding out if you do ________
  6. Question about a future order

Elements of a good thank you page:

  1. Motivation – Why they should fill it out and not just click away
  2. Form itself
  3. Prequalification
  4. Directions/Location

Something more – Reviews, Personal Message, Pics of happy customers, etc

Thank you form are important!

Never use the standard TY page. Those pages are opportunities to make a further sale! also, don’t just have a simple pop up that says “form been submitted

  1. Reinforce their decision – Thanks, you made the right choice
  2. What you want them to do next
  3. Continue shopping
  4. Look at this new product too
  5. Visit you on Social
  6. Share something
  7. show them a video!
  8. offer a free sample or a coupon

Contact and TY pages are a huge opportunity for you to engage with the people who WANT to talk to you!


Here’s our Avance Thank You Page Example: Avance Thank You – Avancé Commercial Embroidery Machines (avance-emb.com)

DigitalHeat FX Contact Page Example: Contact Us – Digital Heat FX

Good article on Contact Page options: Contact Form Design: 15 Best Contact Page Examples of 2020 (ventureharbour.com)

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